Today is the Day of the Child's Story - An Urgent Call to Action from Pam Allyn on the Huffington Post

Our hearts are broken. On December 14th, 2012, twenty children and six adults were killed in a horrifying elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. LitWorld honors, cherishes and mourns for the stories of the children and their beloved leaders, taken from the world far too soon.

Let us be a new story right now, the story of the day our country became pro-child. Today, LitWorld's Executive Director, Pam Allyn, issues a call to action on the Huffington Post.

"Today IS the day. Because today might have been the day one of those beautiful children lost another tooth, or learned to whistle, or sang a new song, or read for the first time, or made an art project, or wrote a story."

Read the full piece here.