Moms LitClub with Ready for Reading in Rwanda is Going Strong!

LitWorld has partnered with Ready for Reading since their official founding in 2012 as they were breaking ground on their now vibrant library and resource center in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda. With the insight of Ready for Reading’s local team, we knew how valuable it would be to start programming to supplement their community outreach, even though there was not yet an official building for holding meetings!

Together, we set up Colette, a mother in the community, to have planning sessions and trainings over video chat with the LitWorld team, and learned from her what it would take to make a Moms LitClub work for her peers, from reading books aloud, to creating a safe space for self-expression and community-building, to providing small bags of cassava flour for each of the mothers to help them support their families with essentials.

We are so proud that this partnership and our Moms LitClub together have continued to flourish for almost nine years now, but don’t take our word for it! Watch the video below to hear straight from our Moms LitClub members about community-wide impact they have made.