We Did It - Thanks to You!


Thank you for helping LitWorld reach our fundraising goals this spring!


From providing food and basic supplies to in-need families in Pakistan to assisting LitMoms in Uganda as they make face masks for their neighborhoods, your support of LitWorld has impacted communities around the world.

To share some of the changes that you helped us make, we are thrilled to introduce Priscilla Mwambo, one of our Partnership Coordinators at Go Ye Therefore Zambia.


“At Go Ye Therefore Zambia, we are so grateful to LitWorld for the work they are doing. It really has been a wonderful experience. We didn’t know what to do when the pandemic began, but you did not give up on us.

We are so inspired and grateful to have you as our partners, standing with us in this time of difficulty. You helped us come up with something we could do during this time.The Virtual LitClubs have made us so happy and helped us be hopeful. It has improved our relationship with our local community and strengthened our partnership here with the Ministry of Education. It kept us going. It keeps us looking forward.

It’s a challenging time for everyone, but LitWorld and its supporters did not give up. You kept thinking of how to help us in Zambia, and how you could help support your partners everywhere. We are so grateful that despite the difficult times in America, you are able to stand with us.”

- Priscilla Mwambo
Partnership Coordinator, Go Ye Therefore, Zambia


When schools closed in Zambia, your support helped keep our 120 LitKids at Go Ye Therefore engaged and connected through Virtual LitClubs. These programs were celebrated with a “Virtual LitClub Opening Ceremony” and covered on television - the first event of its kind in the country.

Through our partnership, Go Ye Therefore was able to purchase phones for LitKids who had been isolated at home due to COVID-19. These phones not only provided a lifeline to connect with the outside world, but allowed LitKids to stay in touch with mentors for regular read-alouds, check-ins, and activities while schools remain closed.


On behalf of the LitWorld community in Zambia and all around the world, thank you for helping to ensure that children everywhere can stay safe and supported, and will always have a place to share their stories.
