Girls LitClubs Baltimore: Hope is Me & You.

*This entry was submitted by our Girls LitClub Facilitator in Baltimore, Virginia

This week's Girls LitClub topic was Hope. We read a poem by Sri Chinmoy, and the girls understood that we are all the same, that all people are connected, and that by acting from that place of understanding, we can overcome any obstacle.

Then we read and listened to several pieces from Hip Hop Speaks to Children (my goodness how much that book is loved!), and the girls wrote their own ideas about hope. Several knew a dance to one of the hip-hop pieces and performed that for us, another wrote and sang an original song for us!

If their creativity is anything to go by, yes, Hope is alive and well! As we near the end of this first part of our club, my hope is that the girls remember the connectedness we have discovered and always act from that place of understanding.