A Letter & Call to Action from our Executive Director

Dear Friends,

Yesterday morning, I sat down at the kitchen table with my daughter to make maps of the feelings in our hearts. (It was the time of day when she is usually starting school, and I am usually on the subway on my way to work.) 

The first two feelings she shared were “sad” and “happy,” which sums things up pretty well. We are all experiencing so many conflicting emotions right now, and they can shift in an instant. It felt good to write down the feelings of that moment. It feels good to share them with you all now.

Today, I invite you to join in and come together as the kind, resilient, generous LitWorld community we know and love. I invite you to share your hearts with the world! Visit here to learn how you can make your own Heart Map and add to our story.

In these days when we need to stay physically distanced to be safe, it is more critical than ever to build social connections with others so that we can stay emotionally strong. The act of sharing stories keeps us whole, and reminds us that we are part of a global community. LitWorld is doing all we can to keep this work going strong. Let’s be there for one another, today and every day!

Please feel free to be in touch at any time, and thank you, always, for being an important part of the LitWorld family!

With hope,
Dorothy Lee
Executive Director, LitWorld

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🧡 From all your friends at LitWorld, we hope you stay safe and stay strong. 🧡