The Movement is Spreading...

We are excited, humbled and extraordinarily grateful for the outpouring of enthusiasm, love and support for World Read Aloud Day 2013!

If you haven't already, watch our one minute WRAD video below to get inspired and energized for this year's celebration. Please share with your friends, family members and social media networks to spread the global literacy movement far and wide.


Don't forget that we have loads of activities and recommendations to help you plan your celebration, visit our WRAD Activities page to download our resources for free.

If you'd like to arrange a video chat with an author for your classroom or community, click here to contact our amazing WRADvocate Kate Messner!

We'd also like to thank LitWorld friends Adam Shaffer, Tracee Orman, Jennifer Reed, Susan Dee and Colby Sharp for the beautiful blog posts that not only spread the World Read Aloud Day, but capture the joy of this special day so perfectly. Thank you, thank you, thank you for honoring the 793 million people that cannot read or write.