Andrew Schrage of Money Crashers Personal Finance on the Importance of Reading Aloud

We are so pleased to share this World Read Aloud Day guest blog from Andrew Schrage, Co-Owner of Money Crashers Personal Finance

What do you think is special about reading aloud?

Reading aloud allows adults to strengthen their relationship with their children and can make for a stronger bond. Another reason reading aloud is special is because it allows children to learn how to pronounce new words and to understand their meanings. Children are exposed to a different sort of vocabulary by listening to books being read aloud, because they contain phrases and sentences that aren't typically part of everyday conversations. Also, children can develop a greater interest in reading when they are read to.

When reading aloud to children, you don't have to limit yourself to traditional bedtime stories. For example, reading a book that contains interesting facts can spark great interaction. You can read aloud to the child and then discuss what was just read. It's quite a fulfilling experience.

How will you celebrate WRAD on March 6? Who will you celebrate with?

I will celebrate WRAD with some of my nieces and nephews, as I realize what a crucial life skill it is for kids to learn how to read at as young of an age as possible. The celebration will be held at my house and virtually, wherever I end up with children young enough to benefit from the joys of reading aloud!

Will this be your first time celebrating WRAD? Any final thoughts you'd like to share with our readers?

I just found out about WRAD recently, so this will be my first time celebrating. I have several books that I can read on that day, and some of the day will be spent with my relatives reading aloud. The ability to read is truly one of the most priceless gifts you can give your child, and it will lead to the confidence and knowledge that will continue to support them as they grow older.

On a more personal level, reading is an awesome way to help children begin to understand the basics of personal finance in a way that they can avoid many of the money trouble most of Americans run into at some point in their lives.

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